Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Indeks Nikkei 225 turun 0,2%


Rifan Financindo - Indeks Nikkei 225 turun 0,2% menjadi di bawah 39.200 pada hari Rabu, mengakhiri reli dua hari karena investor bereaksi terhadap data ekonomi yang mengecewakan. Pesanan mesin inti di Jepang, indikator utama belanja modal, secara tak terduga turun pada bulan Desember. Selain itu, Jepang melaporkan defisit perdagangan yang lebih besar dari yang diharapkan untuk bulan Januari, dengan pertumbuhan impor melampaui ekspor. Investor juga terus memantau perkembangan dalam perdagangan global, karena Presiden AS Donald Trump berencana untuk mengenakan tarif timbal balik pada negara-negara yang mengenakan pajak impor AS pada bulan April. Dalam berita perusahaan, Honda mengindikasikan kesediaannya untuk melanjutkan pembicaraan merger dengan Nissan, bergantung pada pengunduran diri CEO Nissan Makoto Uchida. Kerugian yang signifikan terlihat di antara para pemain indeks yang berat, termasuk Disco Corp (-1,4%), SoftBank Group (-1,7%), dan Fast Retailing (-1,3%).(Cay) Rifan Financindo.

Sumber: Trading Ekonomi

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Nikkei 225 naik 0,25% hingga ditutup pada level 39.270


PT Rifan - Indeks Nikkei 225 naik 0,25% hingga ditutup pada level 39.270, sementara Indeks Topix yang lebih luas naik 0,31% hingga mencapai level 2.776 pada hari Selasa, memperpanjang kenaikan dari sesi sebelumnya karena yen menghentikan reli baru-baru ini, mengurangi tekanan pada ekuitas domestik. Pada hari Senin, data mengungkapkan bahwa ekonomi Jepang tumbuh sebesar 0,7% secara kuartalan pada kuartal keempat, naik dari pertumbuhan 0,4% pada kuartal sebelumnya dan melampaui ekspektasi sebesar 0,3%. Secara tahunan, PDB Jepang tumbuh sebesar 2,8% pada Q4, sesuai dengan perkiraan dan meningkat dari peningkatan 1,7% pada Q3. Namun, sentimen investor tetap berhati-hati setelah Presiden AS Donald Trump mengancam akan mengenakan tarif pada impor mobil mulai tanggal 2 April. Kinerja yang menonjol terlihat dari saham-saham unggulan indeks, termasuk Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (+2,7%), IHI Corp (+6,3%), Kawasaki Heavy Industries (+4,7%), Advantest (+3,2%), dan Tokyo Electron (+1,4%).(Cay) PT Rifan.

Sumber: Trading Ekonomi

Monday, February 17, 2025

Nikkei 225 naik 0,10% Menguat Pada Penutupan Perdagangan


PT Rifan Financindo Berjangka - Saham Jepang menguat setelah penutupan pada hari Senin, karena kenaikan di sektor Gas & Air, Tenaga Listrik, dan Real Estat mendorong saham menguat.

Pada penutupan di Tokyo, Nikkei 225 naik 0,10%.

Performa terbaik sesi ini pada Nikkei 225 adalah Nippon Express Holdings, Inc. (TYO:9147), yang naik 8,29% atau 207,50 poin dan diperdagangkan pada 2.712,00 pada penutupan. Sementara itu, Dai-ichi Life Holdings Inc (TYO:8750) naik 7,93% atau 345,00 poin hingga ditutup pada 4.698,00 dan Credit Saison Co., Ltd. (TYO:8253) naik 6,84% atau 242,00 poin hingga ditutup pada 3.779,00 pada perdagangan terakhir.

Perusahaan dengan kinerja terburuk pada sesi tersebut adalah Dentsu Inc. (TYO:4324), yang turun 13,03% atau 458,00 poin hingga ditutup pada 3.056,00 pada penutupan. Olympus Corp. (TYO:7733) turun 9,71% atau 221,00 poin hingga ditutup pada 2.054,00 dan Amada Co., Ltd. (TYO:6113) turun 8,26% atau 129,00 poin hingga ditutup pada 1.433,00.

Jumlah saham yang turun melebihi jumlah saham yang naik di Bursa Efek Tokyo pada tahun 1997 menjadi 1674 dan 209 berakhir tidak berubah.

Saham Dentsu Inc. (TYO:4324) turun ke level terendah dalam 3 tahun; turun 13,03% atau 458,00 menjadi 3.056,00. Saham Olympus Corp. (TYO:7733) turun ke level terendah dalam 52 minggu; turun 9,71% atau 221,00 menjadi 2.054,00. Saham Credit Saison Co., Ltd. (TYO:8253) naik ke level tertinggi dalam 5 tahun; naik 6,84% atau 242,00 menjadi 3.779,00.

Volatilitas Nikkei, yang mengukur volatilitas tersirat dari opsi Nikkei 225, naik 5,44% menjadi 21,11.

Minyak mentah untuk pengiriman April naik 0,04% atau 0,03 menjadi $70,74 per barel. Di tempat lain dalam perdagangan komoditas, minyak Brent untuk pengiriman April naik 0,07% atau 0,05 menjadi $74,79 per barel, sementara kontrak Emas Berjangka April naik 0,34% atau 10,00 menjadi $2.910,70 per troy ounce. PT Rifan Financindo Berjangka.

Sumber: Investing

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Nikkei 225 Turun 0,79% Pada Penutupan Perdagangan


PT Rifan Financindo - Saham Jepang turun setelah penutupan pada hari Jumat(14/2), karena kerugian di sektor Tekstil, Peralatan Transportasi dan Kimia, Minyak & Plastik menyebabkan saham turun.

Pada penutupan di Tokyo, Nikkei 225 turun 0,79%.

Performa terbaik sesi ini di Nikkei 225 adalah Toppan Printing Co., Ltd. (TYO:7911), yang naik 15,52% atau 632,00 poin untuk diperdagangkan pada 4.703,00 pada penutupan. Sementara itu, Sony Corp (TYO:6758) naik 8,65% atau 295,00 poin untuk ditutup pada 3.705,00 dan Trend Micro Inc. (TYO:4704) naik 6,77% atau 735,00 poin menjadi 11.595,00 pada akhir perdagangan.

Perusahaan dengan kinerja terburuk pada sesi tersebut adalah Otsuka Holdings Ltd (TYO:4578), yang anjlok 9,80% atau 796,00 poin dan diperdagangkan pada harga 7.325,00 pada penutupan. Ricoh Co., Ltd. (TYO:7752) anjlok 6,11% atau 107,00 poin dan ditutup pada harga 1.643,00 dan Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd. (TYO:6302) anjlok 5,84% atau 183,00 poin menjadi 2.948,00.

Saham yang anjlok jumlahnya lebih banyak daripada yang naik di Bursa Efek Tokyo, yaitu sebanyak 2.322 berbanding 1.325 dan 224 saham berakhir tidak berubah.

Saham Sony Corp (TYO:6758) naik ke level tertinggi sepanjang masa; naik 8,65% atau 295,00 menjadi 3.705,00. Saham Trend Micro Inc. (TYO:4704) naik ke level tertinggi dalam 5 tahun; naik 6,77% atau 735,00 menjadi 11.595,00. Saham Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd. (TYO:6302) turun ke level terendah dalam 52 minggu; turun 5,84% atau 183,00 menjadi 2.948,00.

Volatilitas Nikkei, yang mengukur volatilitas tersirat dari opsi Nikkei 225, turun 3,40% menjadi 21,01.

Minyak mentah untuk pengiriman Maret naik 0,25% atau 0,18 menjadi $71,47 per barel. Di tempat lain dalam perdagangan komoditas, minyak Brent untuk pengiriman bulan April naik 0,36% atau 0,27 menjadi $75,29 per barel, sementara kontrak Emas Berjangka April naik 0,49% atau 14,40 menjadi $2.959,80 per troy ounce. (Newsmaker23) PT Rifan Financindo.

Sumber: Investing

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Nikkei Naik Pagi Ini Didukung oleh Saham Otomotif


Rifan Financindo - Saham Jepang naik pada perdagangan awal karena yen yang melemah meningkatkan harapan pertumbuhan laba. Saham otomotif dan farmasi memimpin kenaikan. Subaru Corp. naik 2,8% dan Daiichi Sankyo naik 4,9%. USD/JPY berada pada 154,24, naik dari 153,64 pada penutupan pasar saham Tokyo hari Rabu.

Sementara itu, SoftBank Group turun 4,6% setelah membukukan kerugian bersih kuartal ketiga. Investor berfokus pada laba serta kebijakan perdagangan AS. Daiwa House Industry dan Sumitomo Forestry akan merilis hasil mereka di kemudian hari. Indeks Saham Nikkei naik 0,5% pada 39.172,02.(ads) Rifan Financindo.

Sumber: Bloomberg

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Indeks Nikkei 225 naik 1,1%


PT Rifan - Indeks Nikkei 225 naik 1,1% hingga melampaui 39.300, sementara Indeks Topix yang lebih luas naik 0,9% menjadi 2.757 pada hari Kamis, memperpanjang kenaikan sesi sebelumnya. Hampir semua sektor berpartisipasi dalam reli, didorong oleh musim pendapatan perusahaan yang kuat yang mengangkat sentimen pasar di Jepang. Ini terjadi meskipun ada peningkatan inflasi produsen, yang mencapai titik tertinggi dalam 20 bulan pada bulan Januari. Saham Jepang juga menepis data inflasi konsumen AS yang lebih panas dari yang diharapkan, yang memperkuat kasus bagi Federal Reserve untuk mempertahankan suku bunga tetap stabil. Di antara para pemain terbaik adalah Advantest (+3,6%), Lasertec (+3%), IHI Corp (+2%), Mitsubishi UFJ (+1,4%), dan Toyota Motor (+2%). Namun, SoftBank Group mengalami penurunan tajam, jatuh 3,7% setelah melaporkan kerugian kuartalan sebesar $2,4 miliar untuk tiga bulan yang berakhir Desember, didorong oleh kemerosotan valuasi teknologi di Vision Fund-nya.(Cay)  PT Rifan.

Sumber: Trading economi

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Nikkei Rises 0.3%, Led by Tech, Shippers


PT Rifan Financindo Berjangka - Japanese stocks rose as a weaker yen boosted hopes for domestic profit growth. Technology and shippers led the gains. SoftBank Corp. rose 5.0% after its nine-month net profit rose 7.4%. Kawasaki Kisen rose 4.0% and Mitsui O.S.K. Lines rose 2.4%.

USD/JPY was at 152.90, up from 152.49 at 5 p.m. Eastern Tuesday. Investors were watching domestic earnings as well as U.S. trade policy. Toray Industries and Yamaha Motor are scheduled to report their quarterly results later in the day. The Nikkei Stock Average was up 0.3% at 38,904.46. PT Rifan Financindo Berjangka.

Source: Bloomberg

Monday, February 10, 2025

Nikkei Ends Flat, Chemicals Rise


PT Rifan Financindo - Japan’s Nikkei stock average closed flat at 38,801.17, as gains in select chemical and electronics stocks helped offset losses in trading firms. Murata Manufacturing rose 5.0%, while Mitsui & Co. fell 1.8%.

Mitsubishi Chemical Group rose 2.0% after announcing plans to sell its drug unit for $3.37 billion. The broader Topix index fell 0.2% to 2,733.01. Investors are focused on President Trump’s tariff plans as well as domestic earnings. The yield on the benchmark 10-year Japanese government bond rose 1.5 basis points to 1.315%. USD/JPY was at 151.81, compared with 151.41 late Friday in New York. PT Rifan Financindo.

Source: Bloomberg

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Japanese Stocks Struggle Amid Tariff Concerns


Rifan Financindo - Japanese Stocks Struggle Amid Tariff Concerns

The Nikkei 225 and Topix indexes were mixed on Monday as global market sentiment was dampened by the looming threat of new U.S. tariffs.

On Sunday, U.S. President Donald Trump announced a blanket 25% tariff on all steel and aluminum imports, which will take effect today. At home, investors are looking ahead to key earnings reports this week, particularly from Honda and Nissan, following the fallout from integration talks between the two automakers.

Corporate earnings from SoftBank Group, Orix Corporation, Fujikura, Obayasha Corp and Shiseido are also in focus. In contrast, shares of technology firm DeNa Co jumped 23% on Monday after the company reported 12.1% revenue growth for the nine months ended December 2024, along with a return to profitability with operating profit of 21 million yen. Rifan Financindo.

Source: Trading Economics

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Nikkei Down 0.5%, Boosted by Autos, Property Shares


PT Rifan - Japanese stocks fell as concerns about borrowing costs persisted. Autos and property shares led the decline. Toyota Motor dropped 1.8% and Sumitomo Realty & Development dropped 2.0%. USD/JPY was at 151.24, down sharply from 152.49 at the close of the Tokyo Stock Exchange on Thursday.

Investors were closely watching developments on Bank of Japan policymaking and corporate earnings. Nippon Telegraph & Telephone is scheduled to report its quarterly results later in the day. The Nikkei Stock Average was down 0.5% at 38,877.16. PT Rifan.

Source: Bloomberg

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Nikkei Rises 0.9%, Led by Brokerage, Electronics Shares


PT Rifan Financindo Berjangka - Japanese stocks rose on concerns about trade tensions between the U.S. and its trading partners. Brokerage and electronics shares led the gains. Nomura Holdings rose 6.6% after its nine-month net profit more than doubled.Renesas Electronics rose 8.8% after fourth-quarter results.

USD/JPY was at 152.63, compared with 153.27 at the close of the Tokyo Stock Exchange on Wednesday. Investors were watching developments on U.S. tariffs and domestic earnings. Itochu and Fujifilm Holdings are scheduled to report quarterly earnings later in the day. The Nikkei Stock Average was up 0.9% at 39,180.28. PT Rifan Financindo Berjangka.

Source: Bloomberg

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Nikkei Rises 0.7%, Led by Electronics Shares


PT Rifan Financindo - Japanese stocks rose in early trading Wednesday on concerns about U.S. tariffs that are subsidized for now. Electronics shares led the gains. Renesas Electronics rose 3.4% and Hitachi Ltd. gained 2.9%. USD/JPY was at 154.31, compared with 155.37 at the close of the Tokyo Stock Exchange on Tuesday.

Investors were watching U.S. trade talks as well as domestic earnings. Toyota Motor is scheduled to report quarterly results later in the day. The Nikkei Stock Average was up 0.7% at 39,070.87.  PT Rifan Financindo.

Source: Bloomberg

Monday, February 3, 2025

Nikkei Rises 1.6%, Led by Autos, Electronics Shares


Rifan Financindo - Japanese shares rose, led by gains in autos and electronics shares after the U.S. reached a deal with Mexico and Canada to delay new tariffs. Toyota Motor rose 3.1% and Canon Inc. gained 3.5%. USD/JPY was at 155.28, compared with 155.37 at the close of the Tokyo stock market on Monday.

Investors are focused on U.S. trade talks as well as domestic corporate earnings. Mitsui & Co. and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries are scheduled to report quarterly results later in the day. The Nikkei Stock Average rose 1.6% to 39,136.69. Rifan Financindo.

Source: Bloomberg

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Japanese Stocks Drop as Trump Tariffs Fuel Trade War Fears


PT Rifan - Japanese stocks fell, dragging the benchmark Topix index down more than 2%, as concerns about a global trade war spurred widespread selling among exporters such as technology companies and automakers.

The Topix fell 2% to 2,733.86 as of 9:03 a.m. in Tokyo, with the automakers index leading decliners among 33 industry groups. The Nikkei 225 Stock Index fell 2.2% to 38,683.97. Of the 1,696 stocks in the index, 135 rose and 1,458 fell, while 103 were unchanged.

The dollar surged in early Asian trade and stocks were poised for losses across the region after U.S. President Donald Trump carried out his threat to impose blanket levies of 25% on Canada and Mexico and 10% on Chinese goods starting Tuesday. With Trump’s levies in place, Chinese President Xi Jinping has a variety of ways to respond, other than retaliatory tariffs.

“Trump’s decision to raise tariffs will hurt GDP in the U.S. and the targeted countries, and will also lead to increased inflationary pressures,” said Ryuta Otsuka, a strategist at Toyo Securities Co. “There are also Japanese companies in the manufacturing industry, such as automakers and auto parts makers, that have production bases like Mexico.” PT Rifan.

Source: Bloomberg

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Nikkei 225 Gains for Third Day on Signs Sentiment Improving


PT Rifan Financindo Berjangka - Japan’s Nikkei 225 rose for a third day on improving investor sentiment due to signs of decent consumer spending in the US economy. Semiconductor manufacturing equipment stocks such as Tokyo Electron and Kokusai Electric were strong, supporting the market. 

The Nikkei 225 advanced 0.1% to 39,542.81 as of 9:33 a.m. Tokyo time.

The Topix Index little changed at 2,784.63, moving between gains and losses.

Out of 1,696 stocks in the index, 512 rose and 1,094 fell, while 90 were unchanged.

"Financial and other value stocks are likely to be bought, and some high-tech stocks are also likely to rise,” said Yutaka Miura, a senior technical analyst at Mizuho Securities. Even so, a slightly stronger yen may lead to the market turning downward, he said.

Export-related stocks such as automobile companies were sold off, and this weighed on the market.

The Topix initially opened lower, then erased its decline. The yen appreciated as much as 0.2% as far as 154.02 against the dollar following Japan’s retail sales and industrial production data that came out stronger than expected. PT Rifan Financindo Berjangka.

Source: Bloomberg

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Japan’s Stocks Edge Lower on Signs Fed Won’t Rush to Cut Further


PT Rifan Financindo Berjangka - Japanese stocks traded slightly lower, following declines in US counterparts after the Federal Reserve left interest rates unchanged and said it wasn’t in hurry to make further cuts. Shares in the electronics, precision equipment, non-ferrous metals, real estate and construction sectors were down.

The Nikkei declined 0.1% to 39,389.46 as of 9:21 a.m. Tokyo time

The Topix Index fell 0.1% to 2,773.15; out of 2,118 stocks in the index, 946 rose and 994 fell, while 178 were unchanged

On the other hand, the automobile, steel, rubber products and shipping sectors were all on the rise. Insurance and other financial sectors were also stronger, underpinning the index. Advantest also revised its operating profit forecast upwards, helping to ease a sense of uncertainty about earnings and support the index.

The market is now looking to impact of the DeepSeek issue and the full-scale start of earnings season, said Takashi Ito, senior strategist at Nomura Securities. There’s a sense of anticipation in the market that profits may improve, he said. PT Rifan Financindo Berjangka.

Source : Bloomberg

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Japanese Shares Rise Ahead of BOJ Decision

PT Rifan Financindo Berjangka - The Nikkei 225 Index climbed 0.5% to surpass 40,100, while the broader Topix Index gained 0.4% to 2,760 on Friday. This marked the fifth consecutive session of gains for Japanese stocks, supported by strong performances on Wall Street overnight.

The rally was driven by US President Donald Trump’s virtual address to the World Economic Forum, where he called for immediate interest rate cuts and urged Saudi Arabia to reduce oil prices. Investors are also closely monitoring the upcoming Bank of Japan monetary policy decision, where expectations are for another interest rate hike and upward revisions to the bank’s inflation forecasts.

On the data front, Japan’s core inflation rate surged to a 16-month high of 3% in December. Notable performers on the day included Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (+1.4%), Lasertec (+2.9%), and Nintendo (+2.5%). PT Rifan Financindo Berjangka.

Source: Trading Economics

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Japanese Stocks Rise for Fourth Day as Tech Investment Optimism


PT Rifan Financindo Berjangka - Japanese stocks rose for a fourth day on the back of gains in US technology companies, which are expected to lead large-scale investment in artificial intelligence, and a pause in yen strength.

Topix Index rose 0.1% to 2,740.55 as of 9:20 a.m. Tokyo time

Nikkei advanced 0.3% to 39,756.42

Hitachi Ltd. contributed the most to the Topix Index gain, increasing 2.6%. Out of 2,119 stocks in the index, 706 rose and 1,187 fell, while 226 were unchanged.

There was buying in export-related companies such as electrical machinery and non-ferrous metals, and information and telecommunications stocks were also firm. SoftBank Group shares extended their rally into a second day, adding as much as 5.5%. 

“This huge investment plan for AI has the potential to be long-lasting, given that the US has the basic technological capabilities, and it seems that Japanese companies will also benefit from it,” said Takashi Ito, a senior strategist at Nomura Securities.

Bank shares were weak as the Bank of Japan is widely expected to announce a rate hike Friday. Transportation equipment and steel stocks were also under pressure. The yen was trading at 156.34 against the dollar after strengthening as far as 154.78 on Tuesday. PT Rifan Financindo Berjangka.

Source: Bloomberg

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Japan’s Shares Rise as Trump AI Plan Cheered; SoftBank Jumps


PT Rifan Financindo Berjangka - Japan’s shares rose on Wednesday as concerns about excessive tariffs by Donald Trump’s administration receded, while sentiment was boosted his announcement of a joint venture to fund artificial intelligence infrastructure worth billions of dollars led by Softbank Group, OpenAI and Oracle.

The Topix Index rose 0.6% to 2,730.15 as of 9:15 a.m. Tokyo time

The Nikkei advanced 1% to 39,407.22

Export-related stocks such as automobiles and electronics as well as materials firms gained, while SoftBank Group jumped more than 7%. Banks are also firm due to expectations that the Bank of Japan will hike interest rates on Friday.

“Since President Trump is putting the US economy first, there is unlikely to be any extreme tariff policy that would have a negative impact on the economy,” said Mitsushige Akino, president of Ichiyoshi Asset Management. In Japan “there’s still room for long-term interest rates to rise, so it’s thought that financial stocks won’t do too badly” even if the BOJ raises rates as expected this week, he said. PT Rifan Financindo Berjangka.

Source: Bloomberg

Monday, January 20, 2025

Japanese Stocks Gain as Trump Shuns Immediate Tariff Hikes


PT Rifan Financindo Berjangka - Japanese stock prices advanced on Tuesday on temporary relief that US President Donald Trump steered clear of unveiling specific tariffs on his first day in office.

The Topix Index rose 0.7% to 2,729.11 while the Nikkei gained 0.6% to 39,154.11 right after open, as investors sought clarity on whether the new US administration will take a moderate approach trade policy.

“If he refrains from tariffs on day one, that could suggest he may raise tariffs gradually through dialog rather than slapping tariffs unilaterally,” said Hideyuki Ishiguro, chief strategist at Nomura Asset Management.

The gains were led by carmaker shares, which have been badly hit by tariff worries, other exporters and firms that have big exposure to the Chinese economy such as machine makers and consumer stocks. 

Toyota Motor Corp. contributed the most to the Topix Index gain, increasing 2.4%. 

Ishiguro said the lack of new tariffs from Trump would also reduce concerns about US inflation and help Japanese automakers and others in export sectors.

Still, uncertainties around Trump’s policy are keeping investors on edge, likely making it harder for Japan’s equity benchmarks to break out of their recent trading range. Since October, the Nikkei has been mostly stuck in a 38,000-40,000 range.   

Trump ordered his administration to address unfair trade practices globally and investigate whether Beijing had complied with a deal signed during his first term.

Although Trump did say he would impose tariffs and tax foreign countries in his speech, the moves were “taken as an indication towards gradualism”, said Taylor Nugent, senior economist at National Australia Bank in Sydney. PT Rifan Financindo Berjangka.

Source : Bloomberg

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Japan’s Shares Gain as Market Cheers Strong US Data, Tech Rally


PT Rifan Financindo Berjangka - Japan’s shares are rebounding on Monday as investors cheer stronger-than-expected US economic data last week. A rally in US tech stocks is boosting risk appetite and the yen’s weakening is also welcomed, pushing up export-related stocks such as electronics and automakers. Banks are gaining as well.

The Topix Index rose 1.1% to 2,708.32 as of 9:13 a.m. Tokyo time.

The Nikkei advanced 1.1% to 38,878.36.

Toyota Motor Corp. contributed the most to the Topix Index gain, increasing 2.1%. Out of 2,119 stocks in the index, 1,658 rose and 313 fell, while 148 were unchanged.

The market is also preparing for Japan’s central bank to decide on monetary policy on Friday. Most economists expect it to lift interest rates.

“The market has priced in about an 80% chance of the Bank of Japan raising interest rates this month, and it’s positive for Japanese stocks that monetary policy is becoming less opaque,” said Shoji Hirakawa, chief global strategist, Tokai Tokyo Intelligence Lab. “With the rise in US interest rates having paused, there’s likely to be buying in growth stocks.” PT Rifan Financindo Berjangka.

Source : Bloomberg

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Nikkei Down 1.1% on Gaming, Property Shares

PT Rifan Financindo Berjangka - Japanese stocks fell in early trade as uncertainty over the Bank of Japan’s policy outlook persisted. Video game and property shares led the decline. Konami Group dropped 2.3% and Daiwa House Industry dropped 1.8%.

Nintendo dropped 4.4% after saying a successor to its Switch console would go on sale later this year. USD/JPY was at 155.39, compared with 156.18 at the close of trading on the Tokyo Stock Exchange on Thursday. Investors were focused on developments related to monetary policy and the Middle East conflict. The Nikkei Stock Average was down 1.1% at 38,143.78. PT Rifan Financindo Berjangka.

Source: Bloomberg

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Japanese Stocks Rise on Weak US CPI


PT Rifan Financindo Berjangka - The Nikkei 225 index rose 0.8% to around 38,750, while the broader Topix index gained 0.6% to 2,706 on Thursday, recovering some losses from earlier in the week and tracking a strong performance on Wall Street. U.S. stocks surged overnight, boosted by a surprise drop in core inflation and strong bank earnings.

However, investors remained cautious about Japanese equities after Bank of Japan Governor Kazuo Ueda indicated on Wednesday that the central bank would discuss the possibility of raising interest rates at its next policy meeting next week. Meanwhile, data showed that Japanese producer prices rose 3.8% year-on-year in December, matching the pace from November. Strong performances were seen by major index constituents, including IHI Corp (+1.9%), Advantest (+2.5%), and Mitsubishi UFJ (+1.7%). PT Rifan Financindo Berjangka.

Source: Trading Economics

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Nikkei Down 1.8% as JGB Yields Rise


PT Rifan Financindo Berjangka - Japanese stocks ended lower as concerns about borrowing costs mounted. Chip and auto stocks led the declines. Advantest dropped 9.2% and Honda Motor dropped 3.2%. Government bond yields rose across the curve to their highest in more than a decade as a Bank of Japan deputy governor said the central bank will discuss the possibility of raising interest rates next week.

The two-year JGB yield rose 3.5 basis points to 0.680%, the highest since October 2008. The 10-year yield rose 4.5 basis points to 1.240%. The Nikkei Stock Average fell 1.8% to 38,474.30. Investors are focused on any developments in U.S.-China trade relations. USD/JPY was at 157.62, compared with 157.48 at 5 p.m. Eastern Monday. PT Rifan Financindo Berjangka.

Source: Bloomberg

Monday, January 13, 2025

Japanese Stocks Down 0.87% at Close


PT Rifan Financindo Berjangka - Japanese stocks fell after the close on Thursday (1/9), as losses in the Insurance, Financial Services and Mining sectors led shares lower. At the close in Tokyo, the Nikkei 225 was down 0.87%.

The best performers on the Nikkei 225 were Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (TYO:4519), which rose 3.53% or 237.00 points to trade at 6,954.00 at the close. Meanwhile, DIC Corp. (TYO:4631) gained 2.77% or 95.00 points to close at 3,520.00 and Nintendo Co Ltd. (TYO:7974) gained 2.43% or 216.00 points to 9,119.00 in late trade.

The worst performers on the session were Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. (TYO:9107), which fell 5.80% or 130.50 points to trade at 2,121.00 at the close. Lasertec Corp (TYO:6920) fell 5.23% or 855.00 points to close at 15,505.00 and Nippon Yusen K.K (TYO:9101) dropped 5.15% or 275.00 points to 5,062.00.

Declining stocks outnumbered advancing ones on the Tokyo Stock Exchange by 2,672 to 975, with 228 ending unchanged.

Nikkei Volatility, which measures the implied volatility of Nikkei 225 options, fell 4.35% to 21.79.

Crude oil for February delivery rose 0.22% or 0.16 to $73.48 a barrel. Elsewhere in commodities trading, Brent oil for March delivery rose 0.22% or 0.17 to settle at $76.33 a barrel, while the February Gold Futures contract rose 0.37% or 9.89 to trade at $2,682.29 a troy ounce.

USD/JPY fell 0.10% to 158.18, while EUR/JPY fell 0.24% to 162.99. PT Rifan Financindo Berjangka.


Sunday, January 12, 2025

Japanese Stocks Fall At Close Of Trade


PT Rifan Financindo Berjangka - Japanese stocks fell after the close on Friday (10/1), as losses in the Shipping, Electric Power and Insurance sectors led shares lower. At the close in Tokyo, the Nikkei 225 was down 1.04%.

The best performers on the Nikkei 225 were Advantest Corp., which rose 5.12%, or 506.00 points, to trade at 10,380.00 at the close. Meanwhile, Seven & i Holdings Co., Ltd. rose 4.86%, or 115.50 points, to close at 2,490.00 and Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd. rose 3.48%, or 244.00 points, to 7,259.00 in late trade.

The worst performers were Mitsui Mining and Smelting Co. which plunged 6.80% or 330.00 points to trade at 4,524.00 at the close. Fast Retailing Co., Ltd. plunged 6.53% or 3,400.00 points to close at 48,700.00 and Otsuka Holdings Ltd. (TYO:4578) plunged 4.17% or 351.00 points to 8,063.00.

Declining stocks outnumbered advancing ones on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, with 2,229 to 1,341, with 298 ending unchanged. Advantest Corp. shares rose to an all-time high; up 5.12% or 506.00 shares to 10,380.00.

Nikkei Volatility, which measures the implied volatility of Nikkei 225 options, rose 11.56% to 24.31, a fresh 1-month high. Crude oil for February delivery rose 0.65% or 0.48 to settle at $74.40 a barrel. Elsewhere in commodities trading, Brent oil for March delivery rose 0.65% or 0.50 to settle at $77.42 a barrel, while the February Gold Futures contract rose 0.44% or 11.80 to trade at $2,702.60 a troy ounce. (AL) PT Rifan Financindo Berjangka.


Thursday, January 9, 2025

Nikkei Down 0.9% as Retail, Pharma Shares Gain


PT Rifan Financindo Berjangka - Japanese stocks fell, dragged down by declines in retail and pharma shares, as concerns about higher borrowing costs persisted. Fast Retailing fell 6.1% after its first-quarter results. Chugai Pharmaceutical dropped 4.8%.

Seven & I Holdings dropped 1.2% after its third-quarter net profit fell 89% on year and missed analysts’ estimates. USD/JPY was at 158.20, compared with 158.14 at the close of the Tokyo Stock Exchange on Thursday. Investors were closely watching for any comments on the yen’s recent depreciation from Japanese government officials and any developments in U.S.-China trade relations. The Nikkei Stock Average was down 0.9% at 39,245.42. PT Rifan Financindo Berjangka.

Source: Bloomberg

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Japanese Stocks Drop on Weak Chip Companies


PT Rifan Financindo Berjangka - Japanese stocks fell for a second day on Thursday as signs of weakness in the global semiconductor market weighed on chip-related stocks while rising debt yields dragged down real estate and public utilities.

The Topix index fell 0.7 percent to 2,750.48 as of 9:41 a.m. in Tokyo. The Nikkei index fell 0.5 percent to 39,771.86.

Toyota Motor Corp. was the biggest contributor to the Topix decline, dropping 1.5 percent. Of the 2,123 stocks in the index, 482 rose and 1,504 fell, while 137 were unchanged.

A decline in the Philadelphia Semiconductor Stock Index hurt chip-related companies such as Tokyo Electron.

Bond yields rose globally after Federal Reserve officials decided to move more slowly on interest rates in the coming months, according to minutes from their meeting last month. That has investors in a wait-and-see mood ahead of Friday’s U.S. jobs report, which could provide more clues on the Fed’s interest rate outlook.

The 10-year U.S. Treasury yield neared a peak of 5% reached in October 2023, before falling back on Wednesday, while Japanese yields rose to their highest since July 2011 on Thursday.

“Against the backdrop of rising interest rates in Japan and the U.S., real estate and public utility stocks with large debts are likely to be sold off reflexively,” said Takashi Ito, senior strategist at Nomura Securities. PT Rifan Financindo Berjangka.

Source: Bloomberg

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Nikkei Down 0.6% as Electronics Shares Fall


PT Rifan Financindo Berjangka - Japanese stocks fell as overnight U.S. services data stoked concerns about high inflation and borrowing costs. Electronics shares led the decline. Omron dropped 4.6% and Renesas Electronics dropped 2.6%. The yield on the benchmark 10-year Japanese government bond rose 3 basis points to 1.170%, the highest since July 2011. USD/JPY was at 158.14, compared with 157.78 at the close of the Tokyo Stock Exchange on Tuesday. Investors were focused on any developments related to U.S.-China trade relations and the conflict in the Middle East. The Nikkei Stock Average fell 0.6% to 39,855.06. PT Rifan Financindo Berjangka.

Source: Bloomberg

Monday, January 6, 2025

Nikkei Rises 0.9%, Led by Tech, Electronics Stocks


PT Rifan Financindo Berjangka - Japanese stocks are higher, led by gains in tech and electronics stocks, as a weak yen raises hopes for earnings growth. Tokyo Electron Ltd. is up 5.3% and SoftBank Group is 3.1% higher. USD/JPY is at 157.91, compared with 157.71 as of Monday's Tokyo stock market close.

Investors are closely watching any comments on the yen's recent depreciation from Japanese government officials, as well as any further escalation in U.S.-China trade tensions. The Nikkei Stock Average is up 0.9% at 39664.75. PT Rifan Financindo Berjangka.

Source: Bloomberg

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Nikkei Down 0.4%, Autos Down


PT Rifan Financindo Berjangka - Japanese stocks fell in early trading, dragged down by a decline in auto shares, as concerns about higher borrowing costs persisted. Nissan Motor dropped 3.8% and Toyota Motor dropped 3.2%. The yield on the benchmark 10-year Japanese government bond rose 2.5 basis points to 1.115%.

USD/JPY was at 157.68, compared with 157.30 late Friday in New York. Investors were focused on any developments in U.S.-China trade relations. The Nikkei Stock Average fell 0.4% to 39,731.45. PT Rifan Financindo Berjangka.

Source: Bloomberg

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Nikkei 225 Jumps 3.5% Weekly


PT Rifan Financindo Berjangka - The Nikkei 225 jumped 1.8% to close at 40,281 on Friday, marking a second straight day of gains and hitting its highest since mid-October, with most sectors contributing to the rally. The broader Topix index rose 1.3% to close at 2,802, as a weaker yen boosted exporters and fueled broad gains. Meanwhile, BOJ Governor Kazuo Ueda reiterated the need to monitor economic risks but refrained from providing clear guidance on future interest rate hikes.

On the data front, Japan’s retail sales grew the most in three months in November, while industrial output fell less than expected. However, a decline in U.S. futures capped further gains, following a quiet post-holiday session on Wall Street on Thursday. Toyota Motor rose for a third session after signaling plans to double its return on equity target to 20% by around 2030. Other companies that advanced included Nidec Corp. (4.3%), Advantest Corp. (3.7%), Murata Manufacturing (3.2%) and TDK Corp. (2.9%). For the week, the Nikkei and Topix rose 3.5% and 3.67%, respectively. PT Rifan Financindo Berjangka.

Source: Trading Economics

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Japan Stocks Fluctuate as Banks Gain on Yields; Exporters Fall


PT Rifan Financindo Berjangka - Japanese stocks fluctuate between gains and losses on the last trading session of the year in Tokyo as higher US yields supported banks, while a slump on Wall Street weighed on exporters. 

Topix rose 0.1% to 2,803.91 as of 9:30 a.m. Tokyo time

Nikkei 225 declined 0.3% to 40,141.08

Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group contributed the most to the Topix’s gain, increasing 1.4%. Out of 2,124 stocks in the benchmark index, 1,231 rose and 730 fell, while 163 were unchanged.

“US stocks are falling, led by technology stocks, due to profit-taking after the large annual gains and the impact of rising interest rates, and Japanese stocks in the morning are likely to follow this trend,” said Shoji Hirakawa, chief global strategist at Tokai Tokyo Intelligence Lab. 

“However, rising US interest rates indicate that the US economy is firming up, and this will be a tailwind for Japan’s economy-sensitive stocks,” he said.

Tokyo’s stock market will be closed from Tuesday for year-end holidays and reopen on Jan. 6. PT Rifan Financindo Berjangka.

Source : Bloomberg